Promising minimally invasive restorations tailored to every tooth, the Bioclear system gives dentists the tools and equipment to create long-lasting, aesthetically superior composites.
Session 01
1.Introduction to the bioclear philosophy and modern cavity preparation.
2.Hands on of the modern cavity preps-class I class II.
Session 02
1.Injection moulding and use of heated composites hands on of injection moulding
Session 03
1.The three step Rockstar Polish 2.Hands on of class V 3.Live DEMO of a class II.
Session 01
1. Introduction to the modern class III prep and monolithic restorations. 2. Hands on of a class III with injection moulding.
Session 02
1. Introduction to The Anterior Matrix kit
2. Hands on of Diastema Closure
Session 03
1. Peg lateral / Black triangle and its management.
2. Hands on of Peg lateral live DEMO of an Anterior Case.